Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Little Temple Trivia!

Ken at the lake

Hovercraft crossing the English Channel

Gardens at Hever Castle

Coronation Coach - 4,000 tons of gold

Blossoms and husbands

May is on the downward slide, school is almost out, summer is on its way, and all is wonderful in the world. We have had a great opportunity to learn lots about temples while we have spent the past eight months here at the Visitors' Centre and living on the London Temple site. I thought I would test you on a little Temple Trivia. So here goes:

1. There were 14 temples built between the years 1836 and 1958. Which ones were they?
2. How many temples have been built or announced since 1958?
3. How many temples are in use in Mexico today?
4. How many temples are there in Brazil?
5. Which three temples, built in the 1950's, were the first temples built outside of North America?
6. Which temples do not have the Angel Moroni Statue on them?
7. Which two temples were the first built in this dispensation and where were they built?
8. Which temple was the first built and dedicated after the Saints moved to the West?
9. How many years did it take to build the Salt Lake Temple?
10. In which year was the London Temple first dedicated?

Since we are getting ready to leave here soon, we have been contemplating some of the things that we have especially loved about England. It has been a miraculous place for Kenneth because the chocolate is to die for here, I really love the many different types and flavors of bread they are remarkable. Fresh fruit of every variety all year long is available. I love reading the tags which tell where the produce comes from. They come from such exotic places as Egypt, Spain, France, Albania, Chili, Mexico, Israel, Morocco, Poland, Scotland, Philippines, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Malta. The English are the very best at pomp and ceremony. They really know how to make every State Visitor feel important. They pull out all the tricks: Artillery, horses, gold plated carriages, royalty of every description, soldiers all dressed in red suits with beautiful headdresses, brass trumpets playing "God Save the Queen", and Rolls Royces galore.

When you hear it said that England is green, it really is GREEN in capital letters. There is really nothing like the green of England. It is almost breathtaking and all without a lot of effort, too. Plants here are green and blossoming it seems just because they want to be. The English cherish the old and care for it. Castles, cathedrals, and stately homes of 1000 years old are everywhere and the architecture is just breathtaking. With all of the little narrow cow trails that have become highways, even motorways, it is remarkable how the transportaion system here moves these millions of teaming masses each day. There is a complex transportaion system of trains, trams, buses, tubes, ferryboats, the chunnel, and even a few people who dare brave the roads in the broad daylight. It is amazing that people are able to get anywhere really. Great Britain is about the size of Oregon. Oregon has about 8 million people and Great Britain has
over 61 million. Now that is crowded!!!

Well, enough of the things we love about England. Oops, I almost forgot to mention the people and their beautiful, smooth way of speaking. My mother always said that the English speak the heavenly form of the English language. The educated citizens of this great country still speak our language in the best way that there is and they're proud of it, too.

Now, very quickly, the answers to the Temple Quiz. !. Kirtland, Nauvoo, St. George, Logan, Manti, SLC, Mesa, Cardston, Hawaii, Idaho Falls, Los Angeles, Swiss, London, and New Zealand. 2. 134 3. Twelve, eleven of those temples were built between 1999 and 2002. 4. six 5. London, Switzerland, and New Zealand 6. Mesa, Cardston, Hawaii, St. George, Logan, and Manti 7. Kirtland, Ohio and Nauvoo, Illinois 8. St. George 9. forty years 10. 1958

Hope all is well with all of you. We are fine here, keeping busy, wrapping up odds and ends, rushing to do all of the things we left for the end of the mission, and occasionally even thinking of home and all of you.